Get Your Pre-Release Limited Edition KOQ Sets of NFT Cards!

Register to get KOQ tokens, access to KOQ NFTs and download the game!
The game that shocks you awaketo who really said what!?!

Register to get your copy now
For the first 1,000 people, with the most shares of our website and game, we are giving away a FREE downloadable Beta version of the “King of Quotes” game. It’s the cards and the rules for you to print and play with your friends and family, any time, any where. We want your feedback on how to improve the game so we can publish the game ourselves. As a token of our appreciation and to show how thankful we are for our first 1,000 select Beta testers, we are going to airdrop you King of Quotes (KOQ) tokens for your time and effort in helping us make the game better.