Congratulations on becoming a founding member of King of Quotes! For this you have won the opportunity to get this free download copy of the new card game King of Quotes.
As a thank you for joining our community to share the game, we have also given you an allocation of KOQ tokens. Click My Profile to see how many tokens you have.
Check the Leaderboard to see your position, and how you are ranking in the community. The more KoQ tokens you earn, the higher you rank.
To earn even more KOQ tokens, you can share your affiliate link and earn double KOQ tokens as possible between now and our official launch.
Get Extra Tokens!
Earn 100 KoQ tokens for each new referral signup
1. Click to download the game
What to do after you download the PDF files?
You can email the PDF files to a printer (or take the PDF files on an USB thumb drive). Make sure you ask them to print everything as double sided sheets, and then to cut them up.
2. Print out your own set of playing cards
Before we release the full printed boxed version of King of Quotes, we wanted to get as much feedback as possible from the community. It’s for this reason we’re rewarding you with KoQ tokens now – as a thank you for being a founding member of the community.
To get the most out of being part of King of Quotes, follow these 7 steps:
- Download the ZIP file
- Extract the PDF files out of the ZIP file
- Take the PDF files to a printer
- Ask the primer to print the sheets double sided
- Ask the printer to cut the sheets into playing cards (normal deck size)
- Tell your friends you’ve got a set of an awesome new game to play
- Pick a date… and you’re ready to play!
3. Video you and your friends playing!
Once you have your own card playing set – take photos, and record a video of yourself and your friends playing King of Quotes to get even more KoQ tokens!
Post photos and videos of you playing the game – and get KoQ tokens.
Share these photos and videos online to get even more KoQ!